BMW Repairs Bolton

BMW Repairs Bolton

Looking for quality BMW Repairs Bolton? contact Northwest Bloom Motor Works of Horwich for the very best in ‘affordable’ BMW repairs by dealer trained mechanics. As a company, we have been recognized as ‘the’ leading independent BMW specialists-not affiliated to any main dealership-providing quality assured work on all BMW cars; old or new. Friendly, honest, efficient and thoroughly professional, we are confident in our ability to give you the best service around-guaranteed!

Whether you are in the Bolton area, looking for BMW repairs or Greater Manchester and beyond, you can be assured of a prompt response to your initial enquiry. Having dealt in the German car market since 1990, we know all there is when it comes to servicing , repairing and engineering work for BMW’s! In this period, we have built up an enviable reputation for matching the expectations of our customers-see the attached testimonial from a happy customer!

Once you bring your car for BMW repairs Bolton to us, you won’t fail to be impressed with the level of service you receive. We have the largest privately owned premises in the area which house no fewer than nine service bays-each with a dedicated technician-which means no undue waiting time! Using the latest dealer tools and online diagnostic kit, we are able to tackle any job-big or small. For around half the prices you would get at BMW dealerships, come to us for “dealership quality without the price tag”.