German Car Specialist Blackburn

BMW Remapping in Leigh

BMW Remapping in LeighWith BMW remapping in Leigh you can get the most out of your luxury automobile in terms of torque, fuel economy and power. Many of us who purchase these high-end vehicles may not be aware that we can boost the engine performance by a simple process of reworking the standard manufacturer settings in the vehicle’s sophisticated ECU (engine control unit). Automobiles roll out of the factory with certain default settings that are meant to provide optimum performance in different countries and weather conditions. However, specialist BMW garages like North West Bloor Motors offer practical solutions to enhance your vehicle’s performance if you want a more customised one that’s suited to your individual driving needs and style.

Remapping essentially means altering the default settings and putting new software into place that can be programmed to ramp up your BMW’s performance and unleash all its inherent power! In Leigh, BMW remapping is offered by several garages, but it’s wiser to select the right garage or firm to conduct the procedure. This is certainly not a DIY job and though the entire process should take less than an hour, it requires highly specialised knowledge, experience and training to carry it out successfully. The results can be felt immediately, in terms of speed, power and fuel economy. The engine would become more responsive and suited to your own personalised driving style.

Reputed garages also offer a warranty on their services, so ensure that you select the right one for your BMW remapping in Leigh. Contact North West Bloor Motors to find out how BMW remapping can enhance your vehicle’s performance. We ensure that higher power and torque are not achieved at the cost of fuel economy, so we strive to keep these aspects perfectly balanced. This is an important feature to keep in mind, because some garages may provide extra power but you could find your car guzzling fuel! This ultimately puts your engine at risk. Perfect modification carried out by us is within the manufacturer advised safety parameters so that your engine retains its original tolerance capacities. Get in touch with us and give your BMW a chance to show its moves!