BMW Specialist Swinton

BMW Remapping in Leigh

BMW Remapping in LeighBMW remapping in Leigh can make your ride faster, smoother and more responsive. At North West Bloor Motors, we are proud of our reputation as independent German car specialists, though we are fully capable of servicing, repairs and maintenance of any other make and model. With more than two decades’ experience in the business, we have established ourselves as the leading name in the North West region for a wide range of services. Our superb workmanship, efficient solutions, cost-effective and customer care have made us the team of top-quality professionals that we are today. We operate from spacious, modern premises and use only state-of-the-art tools and equipment for diagnostics, servicing and repairs. This is combined with our unique position as a local service which allows us to give all our customers the benefit of a truly personalised experience.

For motorists in Leigh, BMW remapping ensures that you get the most out of your superbly crafted engine. When we purchase these vehicles, most of us may not know that we can boost engine performance by reworking the standard manufacturer settings. These are pre-set by the manufacturer in the engine’s ECU (engine control unit) and are the default settings for all vehicles when they emerge from the factory. Such settings are standardised for different countries so that the engine performs optimally in different weather and running conditions. Our experienced, knowledgeable technicians can analyse your particular driving needs and style and tweak the settings to be in sync with these aspects. This process is called remapping. It’s certainly not a job for the run-of-the-mill neighbourhood garage unless they have the training and experience to do it. In inexperienced hands, the wrong type of remapping can upset the delicate balance and interfere with the sophisticated software installed in your BMW.

If you’re getting BMW remapping in Leigh or any other location, it’s important to inform your car insurer. We offer warranties on workmanship and accessories too. For more information about our BMW remapping, contact North West Bloor Motors. There’s no point in increasing engine power if your car is going to guzzle fuel!  Fuel economy and smooth driving are top priority while conducting remapping.